Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Friday, June 30, 2017


For Father's Day, Eric wanted to go boating.  Rather than purchase a boat, we realized it's much more economical to rent one for the day.  

We rented skis and a neighbor let us borrow their inner tube.  Eric made it out of the water first try, jumped over the wakes, and cut in to give a spray.

I was up next, and wanted to go straight to the slalom.  After several tries, I finally got up!  

 Our son made it up eventually as well...

I don't have a picture of our oldest, but I do have a video.  Click here to see her best attempt:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOxXyGGLawU

The little one enjoyed playing in the water.  She tried to get up on skis, but her nose kept getting too much water in it.

 Once we got the inner tube ready, the real fun began.  Just look at those faces!

Our son and daughter each brought a friend, and they made the day even better!

The boys claimed the title for wipeout caught on film.  Click here for the footage:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzBhEjHbp1I

Finally, the little one and I got a turn on the tube.  It was fun, but too much bouncing around for us.  We decided to leave that for the other kids.  

Wonderful Father's Day!  Now, he's already wanting to do it again.  I have to keep showing him the benefits of renting instead of owning!