Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Monday, June 5, 2017

Awards Day

Our son and youngest daughter are finishing up their school year with some incredible accomplishments!

The little one received the Reading award for the highest reading grade average in her class.  She also received the All A Honor Role, the Principal's Award (maintaining 4.0), and the Library award.

Our son scored a 100 on his social studies final exam!  He also received the Principal's Award and another pin on his letter jacket for being on a varsity sport.

One of the best awards, though, was hidden for our Little One in a scavenger hunt designed by her brother.  The surprise letter at the end of the game was a letter announcing that she made it into Launch (the gifted & talented program)!  Yay!  

So proud of all my kids.  :)