Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


My oldest daughter and I flew to Seattle for a family event.  I had the window seat, so I snapped a picture of Mt. Rainier as we decended into the city.

We arrived early to explore the area and have some fun.  We immediately dropped off our stuff at the hotel, then headed for the mountains.  We began with an hour-long hike.  It was a great workout, and I could "almost" keep up with her.

A great overlook provided a welcome resting stop for another picture.  You can see Mt. Rainier in the background by the white clouds.

At the top, we enjoyed taking pictures and watching the parachutes.  Next was our turn.  

But first, the liability paperwork.... 

Then...time to suit up!

Once in position to catch the wind, we took off!  Click here to watch the video!

Then click again here to watch a video of what it looked like from my perspective!

And just like that, we were both drifting in the wind, catching thermals, and gliding downward.  

A glance back at the launching pad with my shadow on the mountain.  

Thirty minutes later, we landed safely. It was awesome! Cross another item off our bucket list!