Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, June 17, 2017


Our purpose for the trip was to see cousin Dan become ordained Bishop of Seattle.  What an honor to be there!  Attending the ordination was one Cardinal, five Archbishops, 25 Bishops, and 75 priests.  The 30 minute long entrance concluded with Father Dan (middle priest in white) being presented to the Archbishop of Seattle.

Next, the Archbishop read the letter from Pope Francis with a decree that Dan become Bishop of Seattle.  As is customary, this letter is then shown to the congregation as proof of the directive.

A minimum of three Bishops must place his hands on Dan's head with a quick prayer.  For Dan all the Bishops, Archbishops, and the Cardinal in attendance did this

His mitre (pointy hat) was presented to him by his sister.

HIs crosier (rod or staff) was presented to him by his nephew.

Dan then had a chance to address the congregation, and he gave a wonderful speech. The closing procession went a bit faster.

Afterwards, family and special guests were invited to a reception and dinner sponsored by the diocese.

One of my favorite aunts!

With a Bishop now in the family, we had another reason to toast the Mueggenborgs!

Our Germany/Oklahoma/Iowa family with Bishop Dan!