Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Monday, July 3, 2017

Jockey Lot

Looking to do something different since no one had to work on a particular Saturday, we decided to head to the Jockey Lot.  

This is a flea market of sorts.  You can find things new, old, used, stolen, fresh, withered, or expired.  Occasionally, you can even find a decent buy.

Eric bought two figit spinners for the price of one.  Not sure why we needed two, though.

Our son was on the hunt to get a phone case in addition to finding someone who could replace his cracked phone screen.  Luckily, we found just such a person!  

While we waited for the phone to be repaired, we found ways to entertain ourselves.  We took random pictures, then found a makeshift stage.  The kids can be quite funny acting out scenes and dances.  They got a few stares as people walked by, but no one stopped to watch or offer tips for the performance.

After 2 hours and $55 later, we headed home with a new phone, case, spinners, and samples of cactus flower to much on.