Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Hagood Mill

While each of the kids were between 2nd - 6th grade, I would do what's called "Mommy's Summer School".  I taught them math for their next grade level, did a few science experiements, assigned reading chapters in  their favorite books, had them write in their journals, and did research projects.  With each research project, we would also take a field trip.

Our little one was excited about being home schooled, and her first research project was on the Liberty Bell and life in the pioneering days (1800s).  Our field trip involved visiting an historic site not far from us that was an authentic mill town from the 1800s.

The Hagood Mill has a blacksmith shop which makes hammers, knives, and axes with equipment only available back in those days.  We also saw a cotton gin, and inspected cotton from it's raw form off the plant to the "cleaned" cotton straight off the gin.

They had some volunteers spinning wool, then they showed us how the loom turns the yarn into fabric. 

A large wooden water wheel powers a grist mill that powders corn cobs into corn meal and grits. They had volunteers teaching youth how to use a bow & arrow.

She enjoyed her field trip, and looks forward to other ones we plan to take this summer including a Rubic's Cube exhibit, an Egyptian museum, and an Italian experience.  Even big sister is wanting to get involved by showing her some biology experiements.  

Here's to summer learning!