Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Cousin Ron

We had a special visit from one of my all time favorite cousins, Ron James!  I couldn't wait for the kids to meet him.  Our son was working, but the girls were home.

He was in town for a business trip with GE and took an evening off to hang with us.

Eric let him ride the motorcycle, but Ron's legs wouldn't fit under the handle bars.  

The little one kept asking him question after question during dinner.  Ron, being the awesome dad he turned out to be, didn't miss a beat...

What is your favorite restaurant? 
Ron:  Sit down or fast food? 

What is your favorite sport?
Ron:  To watch or play?

He was so patient in answering every question.  She then said, "Wow, you're just like me.  You talk a lot."

Her best observation:  "Mommy, you're short.  You don't even come up to his armpit."

It was a great visit, although I wish it were longer.  It was fun to reminisce about when the cousins were younger, our college days, and our early careers when we were both in Ohio. 

Thanks for stopping by!