Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Egypt Lesson

Our 2nd summer school research project was on Egypt.  

The little one was tasked with researching the geography of that country, finding interesting facts, and learning how to write her name in heiroglyphics.

At the end of her research, we drove to Atlanta, GA to visit the Emory University museum which contained Egyptian artifacts.  Her favorite was the mummies.  But as I explained, these were real human remains, so we had to be respectful.  

The higher the class of the individual buried, the more ornate their caskets.  Many included a "book of the dead" to guide the body into eternal life.

We saw many jugs, cups, and jewlrey that were used in ancient Egypt.

There were many rocks, door frames, and walls carved with heiroglyphics.

It was all very interesting, and fun.  Afterwards, she combed through the gift shop for almost an hour to find the perfect alabaster pyramid imported from Egypt.  Now onto our next lesson...Italy.