Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

GE Day

In light of someone's half birthday today, I thought I'd make a special post.

GE had their 'Take your daughter to work day' recently, and our little one got to enjoy it.  She got up early with Daddy, and accompanied him on his usual morning routine.  This included Bojangles, of course.

After arriving at the plant, she got a real identification badge.

The special visitors were then grouped into ages and rotated to various stations throughout the complex.  They visited the wind turbines, gas turbines, made crafts, learned about engineering jobs and got to eat snacks.

Her favorite parts of the day were wind, making a lava lamp, and playing with legos.  The worst parts of the day were the plant tour and making goo.

As a keepsake, she got to bring home a rocket, the lava lamp, the goo, her badge, and some company logo stuff like pens and a koozie.  Overall, it was pretty fun, and especially "funner" than the Y.