Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Egypt Lesson

Our 2nd summer school research project was on Egypt.  

The little one was tasked with researching the geography of that country, finding interesting facts, and learning how to write her name in heiroglyphics.

At the end of her research, we drove to Atlanta, GA to visit the Emory University museum which contained Egyptian artifacts.  Her favorite was the mummies.  But as I explained, these were real human remains, so we had to be respectful.  

The higher the class of the individual buried, the more ornate their caskets.  Many included a "book of the dead" to guide the body into eternal life.

We saw many jugs, cups, and jewlrey that were used in ancient Egypt.

There were many rocks, door frames, and walls carved with heiroglyphics.

It was all very interesting, and fun.  Afterwards, she combed through the gift shop for almost an hour to find the perfect alabaster pyramid imported from Egypt.  Now onto our next lesson...Italy.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Cousin Ron

We had a special visit from one of my all time favorite cousins, Ron James!  I couldn't wait for the kids to meet him.  Our son was working, but the girls were home.

He was in town for a business trip with GE and took an evening off to hang with us.

Eric let him ride the motorcycle, but Ron's legs wouldn't fit under the handle bars.  

The little one kept asking him question after question during dinner.  Ron, being the awesome dad he turned out to be, didn't miss a beat...

What is your favorite restaurant? 
Ron:  Sit down or fast food? 

What is your favorite sport?
Ron:  To watch or play?

He was so patient in answering every question.  She then said, "Wow, you're just like me.  You talk a lot."

Her best observation:  "Mommy, you're short.  You don't even come up to his armpit."

It was a great visit, although I wish it were longer.  It was fun to reminisce about when the cousins were younger, our college days, and our early careers when we were both in Ohio. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day

For Father's Day, we took Eric to his favorite restaurant, Gatti's Pizza.  We also gave him a few of his favorite treats, like Funyuns, carbonated water, and cherries.

Then the kids wanted a picture with him.  (The guys had to show off their big muscles.)

In honor of Eric and all the wonderful men we call Dad, here's to you! 

Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Hagood Mill

While each of the kids were between 2nd - 6th grade, I would do what's called "Mommy's Summer School".  I taught them math for their next grade level, did a few science experiements, assigned reading chapters in  their favorite books, had them write in their journals, and did research projects.  With each research project, we would also take a field trip.

Our little one was excited about being home schooled, and her first research project was on the Liberty Bell and life in the pioneering days (1800s).  Our field trip involved visiting an historic site not far from us that was an authentic mill town from the 1800s.

The Hagood Mill has a blacksmith shop which makes hammers, knives, and axes with equipment only available back in those days.  We also saw a cotton gin, and inspected cotton from it's raw form off the plant to the "cleaned" cotton straight off the gin.

They had some volunteers spinning wool, then they showed us how the loom turns the yarn into fabric. 

A large wooden water wheel powers a grist mill that powders corn cobs into corn meal and grits. They had volunteers teaching youth how to use a bow & arrow.

She enjoyed her field trip, and looks forward to other ones we plan to take this summer including a Rubic's Cube exhibit, an Egyptian museum, and an Italian experience.  Even big sister is wanting to get involved by showing her some biology experiements.  

Here's to summer learning!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

GE Day

In light of someone's half birthday today, I thought I'd make a special post.

GE had their 'Take your daughter to work day' recently, and our little one got to enjoy it.  She got up early with Daddy, and accompanied him on his usual morning routine.  This included Bojangles, of course.

After arriving at the plant, she got a real identification badge.

The special visitors were then grouped into ages and rotated to various stations throughout the complex.  They visited the wind turbines, gas turbines, made crafts, learned about engineering jobs and got to eat snacks.

Her favorite parts of the day were wind, making a lava lamp, and playing with legos.  The worst parts of the day were the plant tour and making goo.

As a keepsake, she got to bring home a rocket, the lava lamp, the goo, her badge, and some company logo stuff like pens and a koozie.  Overall, it was pretty fun, and especially "funner" than the Y.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Whitewater Sunday

On our hotest day of the year so far, we decided to hit the water.  

We drove north a couple of hours to the beautiful Nantahala River.  Eric & I started with the little one on our 3-person raft with the older two kids in their own single raft.

The water levels were really up, which made for great white water.

About halfway down the river, we switched up the rafts a bit and put all 3 kids together.  

As we neared the most dangerous rapid on this section (class 3), it was just the girls in the raft with the boys each in their own.

Such a georgous day!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Volleyball Tournament

Eric & the oldest decided to enter a 2-person coed volleyball tournament.  

They did well, but quickly realized they were one of the least experienced.  With cash prizes at stake, the tournament brought in many collegiate level players.

The McConnell duo were successful in dropping down a level just prior to the final posted schedule.  They played in level BB.

After making it through 3 rounds in the tournament, they were finally out.  Returning home with lots of sun on their faces and tired, the two were already planning their strategy for the next one.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Fawn Lake

Another home renovated.  This one gave us more work than expected, but it still turned out really nice.  Added weed & feed to yard, trimmed hedges, added mulch, replaced most of the flooring, fixed plumbing & leaks, added kitchen cabinet doors & range, repaired & painted walls, mended fence, and so much more.

Before vs. After of each angle:

Side of house


One of the bathrooms:

 Living Room:

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Comic Strip

In celebration of the upcoming Father's Day, I wanted to post a cute comic strip that was recently posted in the newspaper.

Eric doesn't realize how handsome he is, with or without hair.  I wish he saw himself through my eyes.  He is better looking to me now than he was 25 years ago when we began dating.  I love him to pieces, and I wouldn't want him any other way.

Still, the kids will send him selfies like this to show off their thick locks:

To all fathers with little or no hair (ie. Poppie), enjoy the special day dedicated specifically to you in a few weeks!  We love you just the way you are!  :)