Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Sunday, June 6, 2021

CEO Hike - Day 2

After yesterday, I was completely exhausted, so I slept fairly well in the tent my first night. In the morning, I got up early, packed my bags, and headed out with Team Engine. Here's the duo who were gracious to stop for a rare picture..

Mid-morning we ran into some "trail magic". This is common on the AT (Appalachian Trail), but something I hadn't expected on the Foothills Trail. Trail magic is where someone leaves a special treat for hikers. This was an ice chest with chilled Dr. Pepper's! Although I didn't care to take one, the thought was very sweet.

Shortly after the trail magic, we hit a steep incline up a mountain. The two guys got farther and farther ahead of me and I soon found myself hiking alone. I knew to follow the white paint on the trees marking the Foothills Trail (called a "blaze"). Plus, the rest of the group was probably 30min or so behind me if I wanted to wait it out.

It was also reassuring to pass signs like this occasionally that were built by boy scout troops. Very helpful!

I stopped for lunch at a bench at the top of the mountain. 

The view was gorgeous!

I continued to cross several streams and rivers to cool my face and wet the bandana. That made the final push to the campsite a bit easier.

Another 16-mile day was down and I got to relax before the next group arrived. I was so exhausted that it was hard to stay awake and participate in our evening chats. We talked about favorite books, favorite movies, family, and our organizations. 

Here's my single tent. It was muggy and warm down in the creek area, so I slept with the rain fly off. Although I tossed and turned more than the first night, I still slept relatively well.