My big week arrived for all that training in prior months. It was time to begin a 77-mile trek on the Foothills Trail. Here's our morning team meet up for the eight of us who are attempting the entire trail..
Once we arrived at the trail head in Oconee State Park, we were joined by seven other CEOs who just wanted to hike the first day with us.

And then we were off...
The hike was supported, meaning our night gear was transported by a support team to each campsite. That took about 20lbs of weight off our backs. However, I still over-packed from not knowing what I'd need. My day pack was also around 20lbs when loaded with food and water.
My hiking pace was faster than most, so I found myself hiking with Team Engine, the leading hikers with walkie talkie #1. The other end was the Caboose, or walkie talkie #2. The devices should have had a 2-mile range, but in the mountains, we quckly lost connection with the rest of the group.
Fresh water sources were plenty! I brought two water bottle filters and three 1-liter bottles, but that was overkill. I could have easily packed just two bottles and kept refilling at each fresh water opportunity. The week was HOT, though. It was nice not having to filter so much and have the water handy, but it made my pack weigh considerably more than it needed to.
After a grueling 16.5 mile day with lots of sun, sore muscles, and difficult terrain, the site of the campsite was amazing! I soaked my feet in the Chatooga River, splashed water on my face, and pitched my tent. Since we arrived an hour ahead of the other hikers, I even had time to clean up and refresh for Day 2. The support team then grilled us kabobs and smores, our best meal of the week!