Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Quarantined, Part 3

It's now our 7th week of this coronovirus lockdown.  We're hanging in there and doing our part to help keep the community safe.  We've also begun to support our local small businesses by purchasing gift cards and picking up To Go orders at restaurants.  Our first stop, Kolache Factory... Dean, David, and the entire crew were happy to see us.  We tried not to hold up the drive-thru line, but they kept talking and wanting to catch up.

With the shutdown, even the local recycle place is closed.  Our huge pile of empty bean cans and carbonated water are starting to look like we have an addiction problem.

But on the positive side, we finally found toilet paper!!  We need to lock it up before our house is robbed.

One of the few entertainment places still operational is the drive-in movie.  We loaded up in the truck with blankets and pillows to watch Call of the Wild starring Harrison Ford.  The movie was a little slow getting started, but it ended up drawing us into the story as the night wore on.  Got home after midnight! 

It's now recommended that you wear face masks when you go out in public.  I had a friend make these for us.  Now we look like bandits.

It's been required at my work for a while, which I get.  We work in a healthcare facility serving medically fragile children.  Even the kids have little masks. But with much of our staff working from home, I've had to cover for reception.  I'm not that good at it, so I really appreciate the team members who excel in these roles.

We've even marked the 6' distance lines by the copiers, in the break rooms, and outside our offices.  Here's my office showing that 3 people can wait in queue.  

Back at home, we're finding creative ways to enjoy family time.  The youngest two are getting massages.

We also decided to do facials.  

I read that vitamin D is really good right now to help fight off the coronavirus.  As much as I can't stand taking high doses of medication, I'm grateful that my NP did a blood test six months ago and found I was severely deficient.  I've been taking high doses ever since to get up to normal levels.  

But one thing I'm not deficient in is consuming calories. I've been baking up a storm these past two months.  Below is my first attempt to recreate my grandmother's treasured cinnamon roll recipe.  It didn't turn out near as good as hers, but it was still delicious.  I plan to utilize the next few weekends trying again until it's perfect.  It's also a fun project because the little one likes to help me bake!  

No judgements allowed if my blog pictures start to show I'm gaining weight.