I have to admit, though, it's been nice having everyone home. We'll go on family walks in the evening and wave hello to neighbors outside. Yards are looking really nice! We have to pass other walkers/joggers on the opposite side of the road to maintain at least 6 feet.
Luke decided to build a ramp so that our riding lawnmower and the dirt bike are easier to get in and out of our shed. He did a nice job!
I've been catching up on baking. This is blueberry scones. Yum!
The stores are out of basically everything. In the picture below you'll see the glass freezer is almost empty of frozen pizzas. They also have "one way" signs for the aisles so that customers aren't too close to each other while shopping.
And toilet paper, my goodness! Why are people hoarding this stuff?!! I stopped by daily for two weeks throughout eight different stores, but I came back empty handed each time. Good thing we still have a week's supply at home.
Eric decided to grow some fresh lettuce with clear tubs we had sitting around. It was a little early yet for a garden because our night temps are occasionally dipping into the low 30s, so these tubs act like a greenhouse.
It's working really well! We trim the lettuce almost every day and add to our other salad mixes for extra greenery and taste.

Luke is still wanting to join the Army, but this coronavirus has put a halt on his ROTC progress. In keeping up his fitness levels, he decided to do a ruck. A ruck is a long walk (10-12 miles) with a 35lb ruck sack (backpack). It was a gorgeous day, so I wanted to go with him.
Our goal was to walk 5.1 miles to Bojangles and get some iced tea, then walk back. So excited when we arrived! Since there weren't many cars on the road, we pretty much stayed on blacktop the entire trip.
Easter Sunday was definitely different. The neighborhood colored pretty crosses on their driveways and put lighted wooden crosses in their yards. This was our chalk art.
With all three kids home, they each got a basket. I tried to find something special for each one, but most had essential items we no longer take for granted... cans of beans, undies, and toilet paper.
The Easter meal was delicious and very special. We were grateful to have all the items we wanted to accompany our tradition. After our tummies were full, we watched Easter Mass on YouTube from the Diocese of Charleston. It's so hard to celebrate our faith during isolation. I'm looking forward to having things back to normal soon.