Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, July 27, 2019


I had the opportunity to participate in a home build with Habitat for Humanity.  Whether you've ever been interested in learning a handy skill, need a therapeutic day outside the office, or just enjoy volunteer work, I highly recommend it.

The job was to give "sweat equity" to this family from CDS. Each potential new homeowner must volunteer 200 hours on another house before they earn enough equity for their own. Since this family was limited in their ability to contribute physically, several of us who know the family provided those hours for them.

Most of the volunteers wore shorts (hot July day).  I decided to wear some old jeans, and that's what got me the roofing assignment.  

I'll have to admit that it was a huge learning curve for me.  The supervisors could have done this so much faster themselves.  But I appreciated the exposure and training on a skill I've never learned, and it was fun!

A co-worker is in purple, and we're working alongside the CDS family member who is able to provide their sweat equity.