Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Monday, July 22, 2019

Africa - Part 1: Kilimanjaro

For summer break, Ashlyn traveled to Tanzania with a two of her med school friends, Eliane and Nick.They stopped over in Doha and Kenya along the way and, once in Tanzania, met up with Eliane's Aunt and Uncle from Switzerland. The first week of their trip was spent climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. They followed the Mangaru Route over 6 days, and hired a guide and porters to assist in the climbing process.

Day 1 - Mountain base to Mandara Hut (elevation 8,858 ft) / Distance: 8 km / Hiking Time: 4-5 hours
This portion of the hike was mostly in the rain forest. Upon arrival at the hut, porters sang a "Welcome to Kilimanjaro" song.

Day 2 - Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut (elevation 12,205 ft) / Distance: 12 km / Hiking Time: 6-8 hours

After a long day of hiking, afternoon snacks (popcorn and freshly roasted peanuts) with hot drinks were greatly welcomed.

After the morning hike, the rest of the day was spent relaxing, playing cards, and hanging out with other hikers. With no light pollution or clouds to block the night sky, they saw millions of stars and even the milky way!

Day 3 - Acclimatization day. Elevation 14,400 ft / Distance: 5 km / Hiking Time: 2-3 hours
This is an extra day meant for acclimatization and was spent day hiking up to Zebra Rock.

Day 4 - Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut (elevation 15,430 ft) / Distance: 10 km / Hiking Time: 6-8 hours

This day's trek consisted of a long gradual accent up to Kibo Hut, where the air was getting progressively thinner, wind was stronger and the radiation was more intense. After reaching the hut around 2pm they enjoyed lunch, rested, forcibly ate an early dinner at 5pm (though no one was hungry), prepared for summit day, and finally went to bed at 6pm in anticipation for a very early start. However, due to the high altitude and cold weather, no one was able to sleep.

Ashlyn checking her O2 saturation. At normal altitudes a good O2 saturation is above 95%; however at this altitude Ashlyn's was 84%.

Day 5 - SUMMIT DAY! Elevation 19,341 ft / Distance: 22 km / Hiking Time: 17 hours

Very early in the morning (around 11:30pm), they woke up, forced a bowl of porridge down and begin their push to the summit. With headlamps to light the way, they ascended in the darkness for several hours while taking frequent, but short, breaks. This was the most mentally and physically challenging portion of the trek due to the steep inclines, wind and bitter cold.  At Gilman’s point (18,600 ft), they were rewarded with the most magnificent sunrise and a hot cup of ginger tea. Finally, at 7am they reached the summit - Uhuru Peak- the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro and the continent of Africa.

After spending a few moments taking in the plains of Africa and their accomplishment, they descended all the way down to Horombo Hut. Coming down was much faster, and easier as they could just ski down the fine loose rocks. Later in the evening, they enjoyed their last dinner on the mountain and a well-earned night's sleep.

Ashlyn and the head guide, Moses, who successfully lead the group to the "promised land".

Day 6 - Horombo Hut to Mountain Base / Distance 15 km

This was the final day of hiking. After departing Horombo Hut, they hiked down through the rain forest and made it safely to the mountain base. 

At the base, the guides and porters gave a farewell Kilimanjaro song. 

A successful 6 day hike was celebrated with champagne, actual toilets, a swimming pool and most importantly a hot shower!