Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

NZ - Wanaka Mountain

Still in beautiful Wanaka, we decided to take a long hike up one of the nearby mountains. Notice how the younger ones are way out in front.  This was my view for 99% of the hike.  I did stop to take pictures often, and that's my argument for why I was always last.

I love the tall grass here with lots of cliffs in the background.  It's another pretty view I had to capture while they were waiting on me.

Midway point was gorgeous!  

After that, it got really steep.  This picture doesn't do it justice, but Eric & I had to stop quite often to catch our breath.  Every step was worth it, though.  It was just as pretty along the trail.

And finally at the top!

In one direction you could see the lake below.  In another direction you could see more peaks and valleys.  

One last rest before we head down.

Time to descend.  My rare moment when I'm ahead of the crew to take a picture...

Stopping halfway again for a quick water break...

Then one last stretch of decline before finishing the hike.  I promise, kids, last picture!

Once we headed back to the city, sheep covered the road.  The only other place we've seen this many sheep was in Ireland.

Our two oldest did a nice job of clearing the road for us.

We passed by an RV that was stuck in a ditch.  They were a nice Australian family who needed help, so we stopped.  Our engineering minds and strong muscles were just the trick, and their family was very grateful.