Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, March 24, 2018

NZ - Bonus Pics

In Auckland, the Volvo Ocean Race was going on.  This is a hugely popular event for those who follow sailing.  The race is around the world and only occurs once every three years with stops at various countries.  On this particular day, the big "send off" was in just a few hours.

This was really cool to me...the intersections stopped all cars in all directions so that pedestrians could walk across, straight, or diagonally for 15 seconds.  

Our drink of choice in NZ was L&P.  It's a lemon soda similar to Mello Yellow, or maybe ginger ale.  We wish they sold it here in the US!  So delicious!

Mt. Eden volcanic crater, overlooking the city of Auckland...

Queenstown, just before our bungee jump....

Wanaka, hiking the trails...

These next few pictures were taken while driving through the farm lands.  

Even the cloudy days were gorgeous!


 And back to the water again...