Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Part of my leadership experience this year is to do a ride-a-long with law enforcement.  I asked to take a Tuesday afternoon shift, but the deputies wouldn't let me.  They suggested I fully embrace this opportunity and do a Saturday night, 7pm - 7am.

Officer Tyler was awesome!  He gave me a tour of the sheriff's office, including the bomb squad, 911 dispatch call center, confiscated possessions, investigation unit, and other areas.  Then, it was time to hit the road.

We had several calls that night while on patrol.  It was chilly, and I was instructed to stay in the vehicle until the scenes were secure (didn't have to tell me twice!).  We went to a home that reported a stolen vehicle.  We searched another vehicle that was pulled over for a traffic violation.  We provided transport to a person that was arrested for an outstanding warrant.  And we gave assistance to an officer whose car was hit by a drunk driver.  We saw several homeless people, some intoxicated, but otherwise minding their own business and not hurting anyone but themselves.

A few things I learned or were affirmed:

Officers deserve our respect. 
I never want to see drug paraphernalia again.
Quick Trip gives law enforcement free coffee/soft drinks.  This creates frequent visits by officers checking in on their establishments.  Brilliant security idea!
Cook Out is open until 4am.
Taqueria Don Chile is a delicious food truck in Berea that is open even later.