Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Not Niagra

Our first night was with a nice family in Rochester, NY.  The beautiful home dates back to the 1930s, and all the lawns in the area were impeccably manicured.  The owners had two sons, one attending Boston College and the other just finished school, but both boys and parents enjoyed sailing.  They invited us to their yacht club and cottage on the water, but we were eager to see Niagra Falls. On another visit, we could easily stay several days just with them and enjoy their bike trails, hiking, and sailing.

For the next three nights, we stayed frugally at the Air Force Reserve in Niagra.  Where most hotels can run upwards of $200/night, we were only paying $55/night, thanks to the Colonel who went with us on the trip.

The girls wanted to do a 5K on the trip, and this one was in Buffalo, NY.  Above are their "before" pictures in clean white shirts.

And, their after picture.  Not sure of 1) why anyone would want to run a race while on vacation, but 2) run a race where you breathe in dye during and after!  Below is the dye party.  I stayed my distance and was happy to just take pictures.

One final thing we enjoyed was a dinner & show featuring traditional Canadian cuisine, Canadian music, and a comical play making fun of their culture, customs, and pastimes. Great show, eh?