Catholic Heart Work Camp, or CHWC for short, is a week-long mission trip for the youth and their leaders. Many churches throughout the US do some type of youth summer mission camp, but each denomination calls it something different (ex. the Methodist one is called Salkahatchie). The projects are usually focused in some type of home repair.
This year, Eric decided to go since he has a lot of experience with building decks, replacing floors, and pretty much anything else needed. Our two oldest went as well. The youth are from all over the US, and those from the same parish are quickly separated so they meet others from around the country.
CHWC has grown tremendously, and there were 50 locations to choose from this summer. The youth at our church all voted on Betsy Layne, Kentucky. It was a small rural town, and the campers stayed in the classrooms and gym of a local elementary school. All money raised for the trip included their food, transportation, and supplies needed for their week-long projects.
What the youth receive in return is amazing spiritual growth. They get to meet other Catholic youth from around the US, serve the poor, celebrate daily Mass, and feel blessed for the things they often take for granted. The groups are up early and at their jobsites by 8am, often working with few breaks. They leave the sites around 4pm in order to get back for showers, dinner, and Mass. There is also a program each evening where the groups do ice breakers, perform skits, and enjoy local bands.
The groups learn to work as a team and trust each other.....
After the projects were completed, the youth returned the host school back to it's initial state, minus all the sleeping bags. They enjoyed the trip and are already placing their votes for next summer's destination. This was an "original" heart camp where 8th graders and up can attend. For 2015, they are wanting to attend a "next level" heart camp for high school and above. Those work sites are usually more difficult and the Mass service also includes daily adoration, exposition, benediction, and the rosary. There have been so many requests for "next level" camps that the number offered in 2015 are greater than "original" camps. What a positive direction for our future!