Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Junior Prom

Our youngest had her first prom this year. It was on a Friday, so she cleaverly scheduled her online final that morning so she could be excused for the school day to prepare.

She insisted on wearing comfortable tennis shoes under her dress for dancing, but grabbed her dress shoes for the pictures. 

They enjoyed a nice dinner at Soby's in downtown Greenville, then met the parents in Falls Park to take pictures.

Her date was a friend from church, and his mom had an amazing camera!

Most girls now are choosing a flower bouquet, but she still wanted a corsage so it would cover her watch tan.

They had fun taking pictures with all the different scenery downtown.

The two met up with another friend couple, and among the four of them, there were lots of laughs! I think they enjoyed the pre-prom better than the actual prom itself.

One last picture by the water before they head off to the dance.

The official prom photo on Instagram.