Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Friday, September 8, 2023

Professional Pictures

 Here are my favorites from the professional photographer at Ashlyn and Alex's wedding:

Ashlyn and Luke (family pictures before the ceremony):

Ashlyn and Julia

Ashlyn and her dad. 

The bridesmaids in prayer before walking down the aisle. You can see the gorgeous church in the background.

I love this one of Ashlyn smiling! She didn't seem nervous at all.

Me being escorted by her grandfather (my stepdad, Mike), and my son, Luke.

And my favorites during the ceremony...

Ashlyn hugging her new inlaws during the "Peace be with you".

After Mass ended, they took photos in the church as husband and wife, Mr. and Dr. White.

Our new family! 💗

Photo with each set of parents.

The wedding party.

Leaving the church.

Outside before heading to the reception hall.

The bride and groom made a few extra stops to take a some private photos. I enjoyed seeing these since none of us knew they were taking them.

Eric and I being introduced at the reception.

The wedding party being introduced at reception.

Then finally Ashlyn and Alex!

First dance.

We had an amazing dinner!

The guests enjoyed the green wall for pictures.

Although the air conditioner went out, the guests still danced the night away and had a blast.

A private last dance while the guests lined up outside with sparklers.

And off they go with help from her cousins! 

It was such a beautiful event for a beautiful couple! Many blessings for a lifetime together.