Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Friday, September 29, 2023

Eggs Benefit

CDS puts on one major fundraising event each year, the Eggs Benefit. We decorated until midnight the night before and had to arrive by 6:30am the next morning, looking our best.

This breakfast seats about 200 community leaders for one hour to share stories from our families of why the organization is vital to children with developmental delays and disabilities.

The weeks leading up to this event stresses me out. I have to be the closing speaker, greet guests as they arrive, engage in short but productive conversations, introduce our board members to key community stakeholders, and all the while remembering who everyone is. 

There are professional photographers on hand from TALK Magazine, reporters from WYFF4, and potential donors who could make or break our sustainability over the next 12 months. No pressure.I missed Eric being there this year since we usually grab a nice photo together.

I am too nervous to sit during the program, so I stand in the back. I try to listen intently to the speakers before me in case I need to adlib in my closing remarks or recognize someone in attendance.

There already were a few changes from the speech I prepared, and more were added that morning. I hoped I would be able to read through all the edits okay. Here's my edited speech I had to read from:

Then the moment where I speak finally arrives, and I prayed I wouldn't mess it up. 

The speech went well, thankfully! I was even intrrupted halfway through and had to recover. 
The link to watch the event can be found at www.EggsBenefit.com through Sept. 2024. You'll need to scroll to the end at around the 55min mark.

Below are the amazing professionals who made the event go smooth behind the scenes. They are truly a "dream team" of leaders.