Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Saying Goodbye

The past few weeks have been some of the most difficult in my life, but I wouldn't trade those precious moments with my mom for anything. Our conversations, the smiles, and just being together was priceless. As she took her last breaths, it was time for her to go home.

Mike wouldn't leave her side until her remains were placed in the ground. Only after that would he leave her side. It was so beautiful. He loved my mom so much, and that broght joy knowing how much happiness she brought him as well.

We had quite a few cousins and aunts from my dad's side come to the services, plus a few others who came the night before. It was so great to see everyone!

Mom was always so organized with the plot, tombstone, and her affairs in order just in case. Note to anyone reading this...please do this for your family. The process was much simpler and less stressful knowing what to do. 

Despite our sadness, we tried to enjoy being with extended family and sharing a few smiles. I also enjoyed the time with my own family since we don't have the kiddos home much anymore. Some chicken at Eichens, a game of dominoes, and a few beers brought back the laughter I needed. 

My mom loved to dance. She spent a lot of her time at Czech Hall over the years, and we drove right past it on the way back to where we were staying. When we saw the cars lined up and heard the polka music playing, we decided to stop by. It was a perfect way to end the weekend services in her memory.

Here's the link to mom's obituary:


This picture was taken quite a few years ago, but still one of my favorites of mom and us kids. Rest in peace, mom. Love you always! 💙