Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, February 26, 2022


Our youngest found out that taking ROTC in high school (Junior ROTC) counts as PE, so she signed up! The branch in her school is Naval JROTC, so she learns about the military ranks, tactical planning, and jobs associated with the Navy. Papa would be proud!

Her physical training (PT) day is Friday, and she was given a tshirt, shorts, sweat shirt, and sweat pants all for $20. Pretty cool.

On Wednesdays, she dresses in their uniform. When issued, it's very plain. But as she earns accolades, she receives ribbons and cords to make it look decorated.

She excelled on the physical fitness test, scoring top levels on each category and earning a gold emblem on her ribbon. She also participates in their orienteering and academic teams, both competetive programs with other schools.

Her shoes have been the biggest frustration. During inspections, she's docked for not getting them shiny enough. I think she's ready to get out Eric's power buffer!

Outside, she has to wear a hat and if cold, the Naval jacket. I think she looks so sharp! I also like the way she keeps her hair pulled up, so I had her look to the side for a picture.

Any blog post about ROTC and the military wouldn't be complete, though, without a picture of our son. Only two more months until he's commissioned!