Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The AT

Eric decided to hit the AT (Appalachian Trail) for an overnight hike.  He drove to Clayton, GA and started the trail at Dick's Creek Gap.

Eric hiked up in the Georgia mountains.  His goal was to hike 4.7 miles to a shelter.
He was having fun, all smiles enjoying the fresh outdoors.

He finally reached his destination for the night.  It was Plum Orachard Gas Shelter

Eric shared the shelter with several other hikers including some from Texas, Flordia, and Massachusetts.  They had a good time talking.  When the sun set, the temperature dropped and all retreated into a warm sleeping bag.  The temperature got in to the 30's that night. 

The next morning it was time to go South bound back the Dick's Creek Gap.  The hike back seemed to be almost up hill all the way which was strange because the hike to the shelter seemed to be up hill all the way.  A few breaks were needed.
About 2 1/2 hours later, Eric was back to his vehicle.  Then it was time for breakfast and coffee at McDonalds in the nearest town.