Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Missing College Life

It's been wonderful seeing our older children more than expected these past three months.  I'm cooking bigger meals, we enjoy more family time, and the house just feels full again.  I don't mind the extra laundry so much, as it's worth the extra convrsations, smiles, and occasional hugs (when they let me).

While I know they enjoy home cooked meals and a supportive family environment, it's just not the same.  You can tell they miss their life, their identify, and their routines back at college.  There are subtle hints I'm slowly picking up on.  One will head off to a Starbucks or Panera for several hours to study instead of their room (on-line summer classes).  Another will get up early to go for a run, and be back, before my work alarm goes off.

New items are popping up on my grocery list, too.  Good thing I have a recipe that needs Ramen noodles! 😂😂