Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Awards Day

Awards Day was drastically different this year.  Like most events, it was done virtually.  Our 7th grader was eagerly watching to see which award she received.  Not all the students had their cameras on, but for those who did, it was interesting to see how many parents had tuned in with them.  I think our little one was the only lucky teenager to have BOTH parents watching!  😂😂😂  Such is the life of the youngest child.

The teachers did a fantastic job making the best of the situation.  They really missed their students and made an intentional effort to call out each award recipient by name to give them their "moment" in the spotlight and say a few words.  

Since the school shutdown hit over a weekend, none of the students had cleared out their lockers that Friday before.  Just imagine those lunch boxes left behind since March!  The school staff had the unfortunate task of cleaning everything out and putting in labled bins.  Then on pickup day, the students drove by the school in a car line to pick up their belongings, recieve their physical awards, obtain yearbooks, and return any uniforms, instruments, library books, or other school property.  Plus, they got to give a socially distant "hello" to the teachers.  

Way to go, sweet girl!  You worked hard this year and I'm super proud of you!