Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Sunday, June 28, 2020


The heavy rains this spring brought a huge bounty of berries!  Our 5 plants in the back were at the peak for picking this weekend.  We grabbed our baskets and started to work.

Picking was slow at first, mainly because we were eating more than we saved.  But it didn't take long to see our baskets filling up. 

After all bushes were picked, we filled a gallon completely full.  Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful rains and the fruit of these delicious blueberries!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Missing College Life

It's been wonderful seeing our older children more than expected these past three months.  I'm cooking bigger meals, we enjoy more family time, and the house just feels full again.  I don't mind the extra laundry so much, as it's worth the extra convrsations, smiles, and occasional hugs (when they let me).

While I know they enjoy home cooked meals and a supportive family environment, it's just not the same.  You can tell they miss their life, their identify, and their routines back at college.  There are subtle hints I'm slowly picking up on.  One will head off to a Starbucks or Panera for several hours to study instead of their room (on-line summer classes).  Another will get up early to go for a run, and be back, before my work alarm goes off.

New items are popping up on my grocery list, too.  Good thing I have a recipe that needs Ramen noodles! 😂😂

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Kayaking Jocassee

It was a beautiful morning to be outside, so we headed to the cool waters of Lake Jocassee.  After renting a few kayaks, life jackets, and paddles, we were on our way.

This early the lake is still and quiet. So peaceful.  We could hear the sound of our paddles stroking the water, the birds singing, and an occasional motor from boats in the distance.  This is what I needed after a hectic week.

The two kids were in one kayak, while Eric and I were in the other.  Our oldest couldn't join us.  Kayakers were to stay along the shoreline and not go past the bouys.  But it often became challenging, if not comical, trying to row in tandem and stay straight.  We got the hang of it eventually.

As the photographer in the family, I usually forget to capture one of me.  It was nice of the little one to volunteer.  We just forgot to tell her to wipe the water off the lens first.

Attempt #2 ... a selfie.  

Our destination was the waterfalls.  We took our time getting there since it was so enjoyable and relaxing.

Whenever we saw an opportunity that looked fun, we stopped.  I don't think they were all designated as "jump" spots, but we made them into that anyway. 

With only a 2 hr rental, the distance yet to arrive at the falls, and having to paddle against the wind to get back, we contemplated what to do next.

The family decided to head back.  We're definitely going to plan this again, and for a longer rental next time.  Maybe bring some snacks, too.  Fun outing!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Awards Day

Awards Day was drastically different this year.  Like most events, it was done virtually.  Our 7th grader was eagerly watching to see which award she received.  Not all the students had their cameras on, but for those who did, it was interesting to see how many parents had tuned in with them.  I think our little one was the only lucky teenager to have BOTH parents watching!  😂😂😂  Such is the life of the youngest child.

The teachers did a fantastic job making the best of the situation.  They really missed their students and made an intentional effort to call out each award recipient by name to give them their "moment" in the spotlight and say a few words.  

Since the school shutdown hit over a weekend, none of the students had cleared out their lockers that Friday before.  Just imagine those lunch boxes left behind since March!  The school staff had the unfortunate task of cleaning everything out and putting in labled bins.  Then on pickup day, the students drove by the school in a car line to pick up their belongings, recieve their physical awards, obtain yearbooks, and return any uniforms, instruments, library books, or other school property.  Plus, they got to give a socially distant "hello" to the teachers.  

Way to go, sweet girl!  You worked hard this year and I'm super proud of you!