Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Belize - Finale

After that harrowing river crossing, we walked around downtown San Ignacio.  Ashlyn wanted to try their famous "sour fruit" at the market.  It looked like an apple, but it's texture was more spongy and not as flavorful.

Then we headed to another Mayan ruin just on the outskirts of town.  This one, called Cahal Pech, was not as large, and it also had quite a few mounds unearthed.

We all liked this site much better because there weren't near as many tourists.  

This site was also fun because you could see family rooms where they slept.  The Mayan people were quite a bit smaller in height.  We were having to duck our heads going through the doorways.

 There were several passage ways that lead to the open square and the other buildings.

It smelled a bit musty, and there were bats living in the ceilings. Eww!

Here's the large palace for the royal family and their servants.

This was a ball court where opposing tribes would be captured and forced to play a difficult game.  The winner got to live, while the loser was put to death.  

We slept really well that night, and I was grateful that we were all alive.  On the flight home, Ashlyn received a compimentary upgrade to first class for herself AND a companion!  I decided it would be me.  :)

Since this was the only time in my life I'd get to fly first class on an international flight, I decided to document what it was like.  First course... a mixed drink and warm nuts.

Second course... beef brisket, sweet potatos, greens, cheese, crackers, and dried apricots.  Oh, and another drink if you want it.

Third course... coffee and a warm chocolate chip cookie.

Sweet way to end a nice vacation!