We took them to the park after church where we planned a kolache picnic.
But the kids and Eric had a special surprise waiting...
We've had a standing joke for 25 years that his marriage proposal was the absolute worst! Every chance I could, I reminded him of this. I guess he'd finally had enough and found a way to redeem himself.
Ashlyn, our first child, showed up carrying two roses.
Then our second child, our only son, brought me two more.
It was at this point I recognized what was happening. Mike is suspiciously taking lots of pictures and my kids never do this!
Our third child comes skipping in with two more roses! I love how they planned this by their birth order. Pretty clever!
Gets down on one knee...

(I have to celebrate for a second so I can soak up this real proposal...)
And pulling out his mom's ring, he pops the question he never fully asked!!! Of course, I said YES!
There was a crowd watching who cheered after I accepted. That was funny. I guess with three kids and all it's no longer obvious that we were already married.
By the way, kuddos to the awesome photographers who captured this priceless moment from two different angles! (Luke's girlfriend was behind the tree and Mike was picnic level).
Here's a group pic of the whole family. Great job organizing all this! Awesome memory.
As we were packing up, another couple just proposed. So we put those dozen red roses to good use and surprised the lucky girl. I'll bet she still thinks her fiance planned that.