Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Monday, April 22, 2019

Happy Easter!

Easter 2019 was really fun...although we were missing our son.  He spent the day with his girlfriend's family who live closer to USC.  Here's a picture of them at the Vigil Mass:

I brought him an Easter basket several weeks ago when I had a meeting in Columbia.  It was filled with new shorts and a book.  The girls got baskets, too!  Ashlyn's was full of beans while the Little One had flip flops and her favorite NutriGrain bars.

No formal Easter picture, so this selfie on the way to church will have to do.

No Easter celebration would be complete without the traditional egg hunt.  Here they are all lined up.  Notice how Eric is already looking for the eggs before he can go...

Youngest gets a 30 sec head start...

She only found 3 eggs before the next one goes.  

Eric was counting fast for his turn...he's like a big kid himself chomping at the bit to go!

He found 4 right away, and wanted the candy instead of the money inside.

Opening their eggs...  Ashlyn was excited to put the $14 she found toward medical school.  The Little One kept her $5 for spending at Barnes & Noble this summer.  Eric was just happy to eat all his candy.