The teams get together at the beginning of each summer and spend 10 months reading all the nominee books (20), including the author's notes.
Then in the spring, the school has a competition among all the teams. This year's Battle occurred in early April. It was a nail biter...super tense and down to the wire in what they call the sudden death round to break a tie breaker.
Her team, SASS, came in second place. But the good news is that the top 2 teams from each school goes on to compete at the District level!
Today was that district competition. Three middle schools in the district each had two teams, for a total of 6 competing for that coveted trophy. Here they have a bit of prep just before the competition. They were so nervous!

Then the matching t-shirts arrived and the lineup was drawn. SASS was in the first draft round. After 10 questions,they tied with another team. Again, they went into sudden death. Gosh, it was so tense, but exciting!
After a grueling 18 rounds of questions, SASS answered one of them wrong, although their question could have been challenged. The sweet group of girls bowed out graciously and went home proud.
The little one's BFF came to cheer her on, so I took them out to eat when it was over.