Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Friday, February 22, 2019

Julia @ GE

It was "Take your child to work" day at GE, so Eric took our little one.  The most depressing thing about it was that it was a scheduled day off from school, so she didn't get to actually skip.  Since Eric is in charge of the 3D printer, he showed her how to make some cool objects.  They designed a pyramid together, filled the printer with material, and watched it go!

Then, there was a contest to count the number of M&M's in the jar.  Together, they counted the number of candy pieces on the bottom layer, then multiplied it by the number of layers.  They won by guessing the closest at 904 of 907 actual candies!  As a prize, they got to keep the jar.

Note the other USC Gamecock symbols they printed at the bottom right corner.

After, we met Ashlyn on her way home from Spartanburg at a bowling alley so she could relax a bit and take a break from her studies.