Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, January 5, 2019

OK Christmas - Pt 1

Our Christmas vacation started out saying good-bye to our son.  He wanted to head to Louisiana for the holiday break, so we put him on an Amtrack train from Gnvl - NewOrleans.

The train was delayed over an hour, which was the first of many delays to come.  It was a long ride, but he arrived safely and had a great time.

When we arrived in Oklahoma, we saw my mom's new house (forgot to take a picture).  We used her place as a home base to see lots of the area we hadn't been to in a while.  First stop, Piedmont.

The place looked great, and I loved seeing all the wind turbines.  So peaceful.  We had fun walking around the old barn and taking pictures.

Checked on the gas pipes...perfect!

A stop in Kingfisher was in order to visit Dad's grave.

I showed the family where my grandmother lived behind the church.  Looks cute!

Then drove on down to Okarche.  Such a neat farming town!

No drive through the town would be complete without the best fried chicken and beer around.  

Even better, my aunt joined us to share a pitcher (although she wasn't in the picture).