Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Soccer Finale

Our son had an amazing season in soccer this year.  As a senior, he got a banner that hung from the field fence all spring.

He was the varsity goal keeper, a tough position that weighs heavily in determining the team's success.  Below is a picture of all the seniors from both the boys and girls teams.

Here, the team is lined up for our national anthem....

Then huddled in prayer to ask for a fair game with no injuries...

He was athlete of the week for March....

then after a few key plays were made....

he was Athlete of the Week again in April.

 We had the privilege of escorting him onto the field during his last home game.

At the end of season banquet, his coach had some incredible words for the team, the seniors, and especially Luke.

Here is that speech:    https://youtu.be/MGxVT6CxLnc 

Then, the seniors were presented with their jerseys in a frame to keep wherever they go.

For the spring awards ceremony, Luke was called on stage to receive his Varsity pin (he was the only player to be on varsity all 4 years).  

And while he was on stage, his coach gave him the Team MVP award as well as being named the top goal keeper in the region as voted on by other high school coaches.

We're so proud of him!!