Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Sunday, May 27, 2018


The years of childhood seemed to all point to this goal.  I am so proud, yet at the same time, a bit heart sick for the grand finale to this chapter of his life.  All was fine until they played Pomp and Circumstance...

Here's a video of Luke crossing the stage... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zr6QxTDav_o

And the still picture captured when they handed him his diploma.

And in a blink, he had graduated!  Afterwards, we tried to find several of his friends before everyone dispersed.  Here's his friend, Sweetie.

Luke, Collin Baier, and Connor Love entertained me for a recreation of their K5 picture from a field trip I chaperoned...

Our family picture with the graduate, minus the oldest overseas.

Nope, he still wouldn't let me kiss him.

So grateful for his godparents, Bruce & Angela McConnell, as well as his Aunt Lynn for making the trip from Texas to share this moment.

Back at the house, we had his favorite red velvet cake waiting for him all decorated for the special occasion.  

He asked for a big check for graduation, so I couldn't resist in getting him exactly what he wanted.  I guess that's not exactly what he meant.  He did appreciate all the other real checks, cash, and gifts.  

He plans to work a bit over the summer and prepare for freshman orientation at USC.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Table Rock

With family in town for our son's graduation, we decided to take them on a few adventures.  First was a hike to Table Rock.

This steep climb takes the average hiker 5 hours to complete.  We did it in 5.5 hrs, not bad for our ages!  Eric and his brother, Bruce, pose at the start of the trail.

The weather had been raining a week prior, so the hike was gorgeous with lots of waterfalls.

It started out pretty flat, which gave us a good pace early on.  

Then after 30 minutes, it was step after step, increasing rapidly in elevation which gave us a good workout for the next few hours.

The two most energetic ones found extra adventure in climbing the large boulders.

Then waiting on the rest of us to catch up.

A local guy, Glen, caught up with us and decided to hang around with our group.  His knowledge of the area proved valuable and entertaining as we learned about the type of trees, leaves, flowers, where there's a hidden spring, what's poisonous, and even how to make a whistle if we're lost.  Friendly fellow, good Baptist (King James version), and a thick Pickens accent.

There used to be a covered lookout shelter halfway up, but it burned down about two years ago.  All that's left is the rock base.

Then further up the mountain about 80% of the way is Governor's Rock.  This is a glimpse of what the top is like and gives you motivation to keep going.

When we finally reached the top, the views were breathtaking!  Here's a panoramic..

The lunch we packed was perfect, and enough to share with Glen.  After a nice 30 min. rest, we refilled our water bottles and headed back down.

The two energetic ones leading the pack and waiting on us again at Governor's Rock.

As if this wasn't adventure enough, the family went white water rafting down Section IV of the Chatooga. 

Lynn and Angela decided to make use of a brief stop to hike to a nearby waterfall. Who said life has to slow down at 60?  

Friday, May 18, 2018

Last Day @ PVHS

This was our son's last day of high school.  As a senior, once they completed their last exam, they are done until graduation.  I asked him if he would do me a favor on this day and wear a red shirt and khaki shorts.  He kindly agreed.

His picture on the first day of kindergarten...

And now on the last day of his senior year....

So sweet!  😂  
He also said I could walk him into school if I agreed to take him to breakfast at Cracker Barrel.

We ran into his K-5 teacher the week prior and she was honored to have a picture with the graduating senior.

Then while going through his baby book, I found these cute pictures of his friend, Jonathon during our annual Gatti Town tradition.  

  And those same two handsome young men now as seniors a few weeks ago at prom.

How did the time pass so quickly?

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Soccer Finale

Our son had an amazing season in soccer this year.  As a senior, he got a banner that hung from the field fence all spring.

He was the varsity goal keeper, a tough position that weighs heavily in determining the team's success.  Below is a picture of all the seniors from both the boys and girls teams.

Here, the team is lined up for our national anthem....

Then huddled in prayer to ask for a fair game with no injuries...

He was athlete of the week for March....

then after a few key plays were made....

he was Athlete of the Week again in April.

 We had the privilege of escorting him onto the field during his last home game.

At the end of season banquet, his coach had some incredible words for the team, the seniors, and especially Luke.

Here is that speech:    https://youtu.be/MGxVT6CxLnc 

Then, the seniors were presented with their jerseys in a frame to keep wherever they go.

For the spring awards ceremony, Luke was called on stage to receive his Varsity pin (he was the only player to be on varsity all 4 years).  

And while he was on stage, his coach gave him the Team MVP award as well as being named the top goal keeper in the region as voted on by other high school coaches.

We're so proud of him!!