Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Semester Abroad

Ashlyn is having a blast in New Zealand!  I haven't heard much about her internship, but I am hearing about her friends from the US in the program with her and their many adventures.

She loves the fresh markets.  The small dorm fridge in her room is not large enough to hold all her purchases, so she's decided to take over the shared refrigerator at the end of the hotel's hallway.

Her US friends in the program with her are from Colorado, North Dakota, and South Dakota.  When they talk with locals in New Zealand, they all ask if they are from New York.  Apparently, that's the only US city New Zealanders are familiar with.

The weather is warm there this time of year, but on this particular day, it was really overcast.  The wind was pretty strong, too.

Having fun on the beach...

Here's the zip line.  I'm thinking they will eventually start their internships.

Nice picturesque scene of the mountains, except for the overcast clouds covering them up.  We'll have to recreate this in March with our family when we go.  

They decided to take a ferry to the South Island and hike some trails.  Just gorgeous!