Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Monday, October 30, 2017

God Daughter

I am so proud of my godchild, a sweet girl of a close family friend.  She asked me to be her confirmation sponsor, and I was beyond thrilled!

The sponsor and candidate had several months of preparation, which included meetings, a booklet we completed together, and a retreat.  The retreat was a six-mile pilgrimage and picnic lunch.

For the big day, she looked beautiful.  Her dad and grandmother came to watch.

As a gift, she wanted more than anything to go flying.  It took a little assurance that she would be okay, but her parents approved.  

She loved it!  I was excited to watch her take off and enjoyed seeing her big smile.

While we waited for them to get back, my little one was still young enough to enjoy the playground.  She's on the top of the monkey bars.

Afterwards, we got a picture with the tail number showing a successful flight.

Friday, October 27, 2017

21st Birthday

Ashlyn came home the weekend before her birthday since it was fall break at USC.  We enjoyed early birthday pictures with her before she headed back to school.

We didn't celebrate much, because she's always on a strict time table to get back.  The church festival would have to do for her family party.

Back at school, however, her friends took her out to celebrate. 

Now that she's at the legal drinking age, she ordered a margarita.  

Not a fan, apparently.  My guess, though, is that it didn't go to waste with plenty of willing guests at the table.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Turning 18

Our son became an adult today.  We're so grateful for the years we were given to raise our son, and pray he'll never stray too far from family, his faith, and his dreams.

I'm not sure what items he actually purchased, but he talked about getting a lottery ticket, tattoo, cigarettes, cigars, dip, etc.  I mentioned that along those lines, he is also now responsible for his own health and medical/dental appointments.  Additionally, if he wants to stay on our insurance as a full-time student, and he decides to use tobacco, he will have to pay the tobacco premium difference.  

In celebration of this milestone, he wanted Indian food for dinner.

Afterwards, I made his favorite chocolate cake (thanks for the help Grandma!) and he opened gifts of money, box of chocolates, tether ball, sunglasses, a 4x4 sticker for his truck, and an apple tree.  

Thanks for all the calls and birthday wishes!

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Family Pics

Every two years we take family photos.  For the first time, though, we decided to hire a local photographer instead of a chain place, and were super pleased.  Here's some of our favorites, although they aren't the most postcard-worthy:

I wanted a picture where we all showed support of each other.  Eric's hand is supporting all of ours.  We're a team, and we'll always be there for each other.

Ashlyn's - 
One of our "support" attempts was connecting our hands in some way.  Then we realized that Luke wasn't holding anyone's hands because he was in the back.  So, he decided to hold his own hands.  Ashlyn thought this was really funny.

Son's - 
The girls wanted to do a hand stand pose, and our son agreed to help hold the pose for them.  I think he likes this one because it shows he's the only normal one of the three kids.

Eric's - 
When Eric realized the photographer was going to take a back shot, he asked jokingly if she could photo-shop some hair in his bald spot.  And she did!  Quite funny.  Also, notice how the older two wouldn't hold hands..

Little One's - 
Before we left, our youngest asked if we could all have a picture sitting on a swing, with her in the middle. She was always on the end in the other poses and it wasn't fair.  Although the sun wasn't at the best angle, it did turn out cute.  I love how the photographer let the kids call some of the shots.

Friday, October 6, 2017

5th Grade Dance

I finally had the chance to chaperone one of my child's dances!  Oh, the years I've waited!!  Do I show off my own really cool dance moves, talk to all her friends, play my air guitar like the rockers from the 80's, or sing along to every song really loud and off-key?  

She was mortified what I would do.  

At the chaperone meeting just 15 minutes before the doors opened, we all got assigned our posts.  Me, well, I got bathroom duty.  While I did bust a few moves in the hallways, I didn't garner the audience I had hoped.  And, the little one still left with a smile knowing I hadn't ruined her life completely.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Eric's Swim

My husband is quite the athlete, especially at swimming.  He really enjoys our neighborhood pool all summer long to do his daily laps.  So when the opportunity came up to do an open water swim on a gorgeous lake, he couldn't resist!  But to be honest, most people don't do a 1.2 mile swim as their first competition.

The weather had turned a bit cooler and he decided to wear a wet suit.  These not only keep the body's temperature warmer, but the slick outer layer provides less resistance than skin and also adds a slight buoyancy.

The competitors were grouped into heats of 20 to stagger the start times.  Can you find Eric?  Nope, me neither.

Then, they were off!!  Can you find him now?  Nope, still difficult.

 Oh, there he is!!  Quick, grab a picture of him coming out of the water!

He said it was tough.  The waves were against him going out to the halfway point, then with him which made it easier coming back to shore.  Look at his results....first place in his age group!

Way to go, Eric!!  So proud of you!