Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Texas Trip

It was time for our semi-annual trek to the homeland: Texas.  While the little one was at Camp Grandma, the rest of us flew to Houston and drove up through the state.

It was great to see our TC (Eric's mom).  She looked beautiful!  Then, the kids took off with their aunt & uncle to hang out at the McConnell farm.  While there, our oldest (now 20) decided to go skydiving!

After surviving that adventure, she embarked on another one just as deadly.  The famous Four Horsemen challenge is one of the hottest foods in the US.  It's a 1/2 lb hamburger loaded with jalapeno, serrano, and ghost peppers.

She kept it down for the required 5 minutes, but didn't feel so good for a few days afterwards.

Eric and I headed to the Mueggenborg farm and got it ready by mowing, prepping the fishing poles, and cleaning up the farm house.

One of the Knuff's friends left a boat out there, although it had several holes in it.  Eric bought some spray stuff to patch, and it worked well.  We enjoyed fishing in the middle of the lake for a change.

As we joined back up with the kids for a day, we caught lots of fish we brought back to Dallas.  When we prepared to leave the farm, we noticed the cows were wanting to bust the fence again.  

On our way to Dallas, we stopped in Waco at the mammoth site.  Pretty cool!  Did you know that everything is bigger in Texas, even the mammoths from millions of years ago?  The Columbian Mammoth was bigger than the Wooly Mammoth.  We also learned that camels were found in the mammoth heard, and actually originated in North America before migrating to the Middle East.

Last, but definitely not least, kolaches!  No stop in Texas would be complete without these sweet Czech treats!