Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Friday, August 18, 2017

Rapids & Orchards

We usually take a trip just before school starts, and this year was no different.  Although, we did stay closer to home than normal.

The family decided to go white water rafting in North Carolina down the French Broad River.  It's one of the few rivers that flow north.

After suiting up and grabbing our paddles, it was time to hit the river.

Our guide took us 9 miles down the river over several class 2's, two class 3's, and one class 4 rapid.  Since it had rained earlier in the week, it only took us about 2 hours.

Our son and his friend were behind us in another raft, so here's a picture of them going down the 5' waterfall.

After success with no one falling out, it's a big high five with the paddles.

Now, it's calm waters until the take out.  Time for a quick dip in the river.  The little one went first.

There were hiking trails at the take-out point, and we couldn't resist.  Our trail met up with the Appalachian Trail, then circled back to the car.  At one point, we got separated which was a bit scary.  Here's a view from the top of the trail looking down at the river.

On the way home, we passed by an apple orchard and again couldn't resist.  We picked a bucket full (actually overflowing) with the most crisp and fresh galas, granny smith, and macintosh apples I've ever tasted.

Glad to be back home, though, safe and sound.