Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, August 26, 2017

First Day

We now have a senior in college (not pictured), a senior in high school, and a 5th grader.  All top dogs on campus! 

And off they go!  My precious babies start another school year.  The little one is so excited!  She's sticking her head out of the truck for a better picture.

Here's our 5th grader with her teacher.

Monday, August 21, 2017


One of the coolest things we have ever seen was a total solar eclipse pass over our house.  My brother flew in from Texas to commemorate this awesome event with us.  The girls made a poster to welcome him!

Since it had been 12 years from his last visit, we took him to downtown Greenville.  Our little one had to get a photo with her favorite statue.

After we got home, we tested out the eclipse glasses right away.  Check!

About 30 minutes before the majestic show, we reclined in the yard for our front row seat of the spectacular event we would witness.

We watched the moon take a small bite out of the sun, then gradually cover a quarter, then half, then three-fourths.

At this point, the crescent sun cast neat images on the ground from trees and other small holes.  The animals also started to make noises.  Cows were acting wierd and mooing.  The temperature became noticably cooler, although the daylight was quite bright outside.  I was amazed how this much of the sun could be covered and yet give off so much sunlight.

At almost 90% covered the cows stopped, but the birds were going crazy along with gnats and other flying pests.  The temps contintued to drop and the air became still.

Just before the total eclipse, and I mean literally 30 seconds prior, we saw dark wavy lines dance across the pavement.  No picture or video adequately captured this, eventhough we tried.  It happened again immediately after the eclispse was over.

And then the climax....https://youtu.be/5z41SdEvTYQ.  We gave applause, then paused with silence and awe to absorb the moment, well except for the crickets and locusts.  We took off our glasses and observed the sun with our naked eyes.  At no other time is it safe to do this!

There was a 360 degree sunset, the streetlamps came on, and the sun's corona was completely visable for 2.5 minutes.  Temps continued to drop for another 10 min or so because even after the eclipse was over, the sun's rays took time to arrive on Earth's surface.

It was truly an experience that can't be captured by camera!  If our spring break in 2024 concides with the next eclispe in Texas, we're definitely going to try to make it.  San Gabriel, here we come! 

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Senior Time

Our son is now a senior, and with that comes senior priviledges like the front parking spaces at school.

After drawing a spot number out of a hat, he had 2 weeks to select a design, get it approved, and paint his spot for the year. He even let us help!

He was pretty clever with his design, and did a nice job.  

Friday, August 18, 2017

Rapids & Orchards

We usually take a trip just before school starts, and this year was no different.  Although, we did stay closer to home than normal.

The family decided to go white water rafting in North Carolina down the French Broad River.  It's one of the few rivers that flow north.

After suiting up and grabbing our paddles, it was time to hit the river.

Our guide took us 9 miles down the river over several class 2's, two class 3's, and one class 4 rapid.  Since it had rained earlier in the week, it only took us about 2 hours.

Our son and his friend were behind us in another raft, so here's a picture of them going down the 5' waterfall.

After success with no one falling out, it's a big high five with the paddles.

Now, it's calm waters until the take out.  Time for a quick dip in the river.  The little one went first.

There were hiking trails at the take-out point, and we couldn't resist.  Our trail met up with the Appalachian Trail, then circled back to the car.  At one point, we got separated which was a bit scary.  Here's a view from the top of the trail looking down at the river.

On the way home, we passed by an apple orchard and again couldn't resist.  We picked a bucket full (actually overflowing) with the most crisp and fresh galas, granny smith, and macintosh apples I've ever tasted.

Glad to be back home, though, safe and sound.  

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Eric's Bday

For Eric's 47th, he wanted to be on the water.  So the weekend prior, we rented a boat, headed to the lake, and enjoyed a beautiful afternoon.

All the kids got up on two skis, which was fun to watch.

Then we had some balancing practice and knee-boarding excitement!

 Lots of smiles....

A few days later on his actual birthday, the little one picked out his cake - a pile of donuts. Quite appropriate, though.  He rarely goes to the grocery store without bringing at least one home.

For the games, she planned a pinata, minion style.  Loaded with candy (like we needed more sugar), we all got a turn at bat.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Zoo Unit

Now that summer is almost over, I need to post about Mommy's Summer School.  With each of our kids, I gave them extra lessons in math, reading, social studies, and science during their 3rd - 6th grade years.

Our little one wanted to learn about animals and their brain sizes.  We researched mammals, reptiles, and amphibians.

For her field trip, we went to the zoo in Columbia, SC.  She saw grizzly bears, koala bears...

 Penguins and kangaroos.

Her favorite was the giraffes, of course.  This zoo even lets you feed and pet them!

After playing on the ropes course and strolling through the botanical gardens, we were tired. Fun day, though!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Texas Trip

It was time for our semi-annual trek to the homeland: Texas.  While the little one was at Camp Grandma, the rest of us flew to Houston and drove up through the state.

It was great to see our TC (Eric's mom).  She looked beautiful!  Then, the kids took off with their aunt & uncle to hang out at the McConnell farm.  While there, our oldest (now 20) decided to go skydiving!

After surviving that adventure, she embarked on another one just as deadly.  The famous Four Horsemen challenge is one of the hottest foods in the US.  It's a 1/2 lb hamburger loaded with jalapeno, serrano, and ghost peppers.

She kept it down for the required 5 minutes, but didn't feel so good for a few days afterwards.

Eric and I headed to the Mueggenborg farm and got it ready by mowing, prepping the fishing poles, and cleaning up the farm house.

One of the Knuff's friends left a boat out there, although it had several holes in it.  Eric bought some spray stuff to patch, and it worked well.  We enjoyed fishing in the middle of the lake for a change.

As we joined back up with the kids for a day, we caught lots of fish we brought back to Dallas.  When we prepared to leave the farm, we noticed the cows were wanting to bust the fence again.  

On our way to Dallas, we stopped in Waco at the mammoth site.  Pretty cool!  Did you know that everything is bigger in Texas, even the mammoths from millions of years ago?  The Columbian Mammoth was bigger than the Wooly Mammoth.  We also learned that camels were found in the mammoth heard, and actually originated in North America before migrating to the Middle East.

Last, but definitely not least, kolaches!  No stop in Texas would be complete without these sweet Czech treats!