Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Son's Birthday

Our son just turned 17.  His restuarant choice was the usual, India Palace.  Afterwards, he wanted a red velvet mega cupcake from the Chocolate Moose.  For someone who doesn't like chocolate, he sure loves a cake with lots of cocoa in it.

I felt honored he let me take a picture with him before school.  Since this was out of character, I should have known that he was up to something.

It was his special day, and he wanted to do something fun.  We found out later that this did not include school.  So he dropped his sister off at the elementary like normal, but then detoured to Cracker Barrel for breakfast.  Then, he decided to go mountain bike riding with a friend at Clemson.  Later, he stopped for lunch at Bojangles then came home to sleep.

Knowing he would get in trouble, he pleaded for leaniency since it was his birthday.  While I appreciate him doing healthy things outside in nature, it never supercedes the responsibility of showing up for classes and being prepared with school work.  

Maturity comes and goes, I guess.  Another lesson, another grounding, another privelege taken away....