Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Monday, October 24, 2016


We haven't taken a trip to Carowinds in several years, so we decided to make it this year.

Our little one was finally tall enough to ride every ride!!

We took turns holding the backpack.  This one below had everyone but me.  Eric & Luke are about midway with the girls behind them.

Here's another with all of them in a row.

Thunder River, the rafting ride, is still enjoyable in October when the weather is 85 degrees.

I finally got a picture with me in there!  This ride was my favorite, The Intimidator.  It's the longest ride, and the best!

My one rule this trip was that no roller coaster ride would be tied to getting a pet.  That qualification expired in 2010 when the rest of us overcame our fears.