Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, October 29, 2016

GE Day

Eric's company has a huge family day celebration each year in the fall.  This year, the weather was gorgeous, and we really had a great time.

Since our oldest wasn't able to join us, the little one invited a friend.  The morning began with a GE corporate 6k trail run.  The girls cheered on the guys.

Afterwards, we headed to GE for lots of carnival fun.  We ate hamburgers, cotton candy, caramel apples, popcorn, snow cones, and funnel cakes.  

The girls took advantage of the zip line.  Look at those smiles!

 We were too tired to stay for the fireworks, but it was a fun day.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hit the 20's

Our oldest just turned 20, so we went to visit her in college.

Right when we got there, some of us were starving.  So we took her out to eat at one of the dorms where she ordered a toffee brownie a la mode.  

Afterwards, we crashed at her place in a tiny basement apartment by sleeping on her foam mattress, couch, and a blowup mattress.  Eric fixed her shower and brought her watermelons for her birthday while the rest of us gave her a new coffee maker, a backpack, and bandaids.

In the morning, she had the choice of Waffle House, or well, that's it.  So we had a nice breakfast there with lots of eggs, bacon, and waffles.  Then, it's time to head to the big football game at USC.

The little one and I tried to make an instagram post hit their megatron by tagging #SpursUp, but we never saw us.

With her landlords out of town for the weekend, she was looking after their pool.  Little sister was excited to help.  One final meal out before we left, and again, she chose (not really) Olive Garden!  

Lots of love to our sweet little girl who will always be our baby, no matter if you are in your 20s.

Monday, October 24, 2016


We haven't taken a trip to Carowinds in several years, so we decided to make it this year.

Our little one was finally tall enough to ride every ride!!

We took turns holding the backpack.  This one below had everyone but me.  Eric & Luke are about midway with the girls behind them.

Here's another with all of them in a row.

Thunder River, the rafting ride, is still enjoyable in October when the weather is 85 degrees.

I finally got a picture with me in there!  This ride was my favorite, The Intimidator.  It's the longest ride, and the best!

My one rule this trip was that no roller coaster ride would be tied to getting a pet.  That qualification expired in 2010 when the rest of us overcame our fears.  

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Son's Birthday

Our son just turned 17.  His restuarant choice was the usual, India Palace.  Afterwards, he wanted a red velvet mega cupcake from the Chocolate Moose.  For someone who doesn't like chocolate, he sure loves a cake with lots of cocoa in it.

I felt honored he let me take a picture with him before school.  Since this was out of character, I should have known that he was up to something.

It was his special day, and he wanted to do something fun.  We found out later that this did not include school.  So he dropped his sister off at the elementary like normal, but then detoured to Cracker Barrel for breakfast.  Then, he decided to go mountain bike riding with a friend at Clemson.  Later, he stopped for lunch at Bojangles then came home to sleep.

Knowing he would get in trouble, he pleaded for leaniency since it was his birthday.  While I appreciate him doing healthy things outside in nature, it never supercedes the responsibility of showing up for classes and being prepared with school work.  

Maturity comes and goes, I guess.  Another lesson, another grounding, another privelege taken away....

Friday, October 14, 2016

Voice Recital

Our youngest has been attending voice lessons for the past month and a half.  Although it was a quick semester, she has improved quite a bit.  Below is one of the songs where she had a solo:

Enjoy!  https://youtu.be/RLilSU1SXXU

It was PJ day at her school and the recital began at 5pm.  Sorry we didn't have time to go home and change, but that's our life right now.  She didn't mind, though!