Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ireland - Part 3

Throughout our trip, we saw so many castles, towers, churches, and other neat historical monuments.  Much of the Irish history is sad with so much persecution, wars, and famine.  They are a proud country who celebrated 100 years of independence during 2016.

This is in Dublin.  We were walking along and this just appears from a side street without us looking for it.

Another castle along the river, rail ways, or road, I can't remember.  Castles were just everywhere. 

We decided to tour one of them in Limerick.  Very well preserved.  Most of the castles were from the 1200s - 1400s, and it's residents severely affected by the black plague. 

A lookout tower on the coast of Ireland.

One of the most interesting places we visited in Dublin was Trinity College.  This is part of the "3 elite" of the UK, aptly named Trinity to complete the trio with Oxford University and Cambrige (both of England).

In their library, they have one of the oldest collections of books in Europe.  The library has two levels and spiral stair cases.

The long hallway was picturesque for what I imagined in Harry Potter novels.

Another interesting artifact in this library is the Book of Kells.  This book was created by persecuted monks in Ireland during the 8th or 9th century.

We weren't allowed to take pictures of it, so this one was downloaded from the internet.  The Book of Kells contains the 4 Gospels of the New Testament in Latin, but with very ornate drawings and lettering using stains like indigo traded throughout Europe & Asia.  This book was sought after during countless raids, so the fact that it survived is incredible.  It is Ireland's most precious medieval artifact.

Lastly for this post, I wanted to highlight some of the beautiful churches we stumbled upon. Above is the cathedral in Limerick.  Below is the cathedral in Killarney.

All their interiors were just as breathtaking.  

Enjoyed Mass at the cathedral in Galway, although I forgot to snap a picture of it.