Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Aunt Lynn

We enjoyed a wonderful visit from Eric's sister, Lynn.  She is quite the adventurer!  After her arrival and initial visit, she was ready to hit the white water.  Our little one went with them, too.

The two girls were in a double kayak, while Eric was in the other.  Shortly after putting into the water, they hit a series of rapids.

Then the pictures stop until this....

During a rapid, the girls were bumped into a large rock in the river by another raft.  The girl's kayak flipped and they went into the water.  The two got seperated - our little one stayed with the boat until Eric came to her side.  Lynn made it to the shore and didn't see what happened to the little one and Eric.

The rescue squad was called to the scene because they thought a little girl was missing. However no one was injured or missing.

The emergency personnel were not only grateful for the best possible outcome but they got to practice their response drills that hadn't been used in a while.  

Our sweet girl enjoyed all of the attention.  Here is her "selfie" on the way home.


The next day, Lynn and Eric tackled the water again.  But this time, it was just the two of them.

They both did great and really enjoyed the water.

It was a gorgeous day to white water, minus the sunblock that didn't seem to help.  Lynn came back a bit redder than she left.

Along the hike back, Lynn took a great picture of Eric.  

We enjoyed Lynn's visit and hope she comes back for more exciting times.