Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, May 28, 2016

3rd Grade Awards

I had the privilege of accompanying our little one to her 3rd grade awards ceremony.  I was a proud mom!

Over 200 children were in her 3rd grade, and the top awards were given in front of the whole group

Here, she received the Mathmatics Award for highest math average.

Next, she received the SC Children's Book Award for those who read 20 or more books from a specified list and passed the exams (all extra work throughout the year).  These select students (about 15 in the whole school) got to go on a field trip to the movie theatre, purchase books at Barnes & Noble with a $25 gift card, and have dinner at Boston Pizzaria.  

I wasn't able to capture her receiving the Principle's Award Pin for All A's Honor Roll each 9 weeks.

Afterwards, the students went back into homeroom classes where each teacher gave out additional awards.  Our little one received the Service Award and pin for representing her class in Student Council during the year.

She then wanted a picture with her teacher and her favorite award of the morning.

Best friends...

I forgot to get a picture with her, too, so these were taken the next morning with all her awards.