This one was a duathon, which is two events. It had a 2 mile run, 20 mile bike, then 2 mile run again. The runs were easy for her as she blew past the competition. The bike, not so much.

The bike path was not well marked. Many, or actually most, participants got off course during the bike portion. Our daughter ended up on the tollway before realizing that she must have gotten off-course. After turning around and re-joining the race, the first-placed bicyclists passed her complaining of the poor signage. (As her mother, this really scares me!!)

Relieved to see my daughter ride into the 3rd and last event (after an hour and 20 min), I didn't even feel the 30 degree temperatures in the air. I just smiled and prayed a prayer of thanksgiving while snapping picture after picture.

Her Daddy showed support by sprinting with her during the last leg.

She finished first in her age group and won a nice picnic cooler bag.