Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Our oldest is the runner in the family, and she's always looking out for the next race to register for.  Her Grandma TC and Aunt Angela/Uncle Bruce fixed up a triathlon bike for Christmas, and that has just fueled her desire to enter more races.

This one was a duathon, which is two events.  It had a 2 mile run, 20 mile bike, then 2 mile run again.  The runs were easy for her as she blew past the competition.  The bike, not so much.

The bike path was not well marked.  Many, or actually most, participants got off course during the bike portion.  Our daughter ended up on the tollway before realizing that she must have gotten off-course.  After turning around and re-joining the race, the first-placed bicyclists passed her complaining of the poor signage. (As her mother, this really scares me!!)

Relieved to see my daughter ride into the 3rd and last event (after an hour and 20 min), I didn't even feel the 30 degree temperatures in the air.  I just smiled and prayed a prayer of thanksgiving while snapping picture after picture.

Her Daddy showed support by sprinting with her during the last leg.

She finished first in her age group and won a nice picnic cooler bag.

Friday, February 15, 2013

42nd Birthday

My 42nd birthday turned into a birthday week with the celebration stretching out a little each day.  My oldest daughter cooked Indian food on Sunday, I had an awesome Dora cake on Tuesday, a surprise at work on Wednesday, opened presents on Thursday, and more phone calls on Friday!  

I loved the McAlisters Deli and Starbucks gift cards, the c152 model airplane, my Godiva cheesecake, and the sweet singing voices from Texas!  Thanks, everyone!  :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Discovery Flights

Both of our kids won a free discovery flight, which is an introductory 30 min. flight lesson.  This normally costs around $75 per person, but my two oldest received it complimentary for participating in a naming contest for the new kids playground area at the airport.

Our oldest went first.  She chose to fly over our house, then return for a touch & go before circling around again to land.

Our son was next.  He decided on the same path, which allowed him to control the aircraft during take off, climbs, turns, and some of the landing.

Even the little one had an opportunity to hop in.  She was a little small to look out over the windows at our house, but she enjoyed the ride.

Although both kids loved the experience, only my son was interested in buying a pilot's log book for his first entry.  He plans to continue training over the next 3-4 years until he's eligible for a pilot's license.  To say mom was excited is an understatement, as flying with my son (or any child) is an experience I truly look forward to in the future!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

New Job

HomeAfter several months of enjoying a more leisurely pace, I found the perfect job!  It's definitely a challenge right now, but I can truly see me retiring from here in another 20 years.  In this position, I am able to combine all my accounting, HR, AP, Quickbooks, non-profit, volunteering, daycare, and board room experience into one amazing position.

The family atmosphere of our staff and the wonderful families we serve make up ten-fold any decrease in pay from switching to the non-profit sector.  I absolutely love it here, and am proud to show it off.  Although this is the first office I've had in 15 years without a window, I instead get to hear giggles, sweet voices, and success stories from our kids.

This is a link to our website, if interested.  My picture is on the leadership page.  www.cdservices.org

One of the kids loves to visit my office and look at  my airplane poster (showing a view from the cockpit).  On each visit, this child gets to point to a different button where I tell him what that button/lever does.  He loves airplanes, and it's sweet be a part of his inspiration to achieve his full potential.

Here is a link to a video explaining who we are and what we do....enjoy!
  CDS Reaching Potential Video

Friday, February 1, 2013

Cooking 101

Our oldest is the gourmet chef in the family, and she found a cooking class at a nearby college to attend.  This class focused on Indian cuisine, a family favorite!

The cost was a little expensive, but included wine.  Since she's not quite 21 yet, Mommy decided to go with her and enjoy that portion of the class.

The instructor is a respected chef in the area, specializing in Asian, African, and Indian cuisine as well as pastries.  She's also entertaining to watch, as she makes the class really fun.

Out of 10 students (maximum capacity), our daughter was the youngest.  But, she quickly gained favor of the instructor for having a passion for cooking at such a young age.  She was given the task of making Indian bread, or paratha.